Posts tagged with "GNOSIS"

What does it mean to be a lightworker, what is the lightworker mission and what are you expected to do in your role as a lightworker? A shift is taking place. Humanity is changing. Around the world people are realizing that previous paradigms are not working and we must change our way of living in order to survive. During this time, many people identify themselves as lightworkers and believe that they are here on a mission to help change the world. In simple terms, a lightworker is a person who

REIKI & ANGELS · 09. April 2019
Metatron is the Archangel and Seraphim who sits before the throne God. Metatron is the keeper of the outer light of God. AA Metatron is also the Archangel of the Platinum Ray.Metatron supposedly was the Prophet Enoch before God turned him into an archangel. His primary task among the heavenly court is to maintain the eternal archives of the Lord, recording each and every event that transpires and creating new ones. "This Enoch, whose flesh was turned to flame, his veins to fire, his eye-lashes